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This is blog is my diary from my high school years. It starts in January 2007 and continues through to my first few years of university where it begins to peter out. I'll try and post all of it, however some of the more embarrassing entries may mysterious not quite find there way here. I've tried to leave the spelling errors.
Some people's names may be hidden to protect their privacy as this diary hold some things people told me in confidence.

Thursday, December 5, 2013

26-1, 7.40AM

C. likes Joseph! I can't believe it! C. likes Joseph!
This is so weird. its like the princess diaries and I'm Lily.
My best friend likes my brother!
What am I to do?
I really shouldn't be writing personal stuff about my friends in here it should be a rule, but this concerns me too!
I cant ask him out for her. Its to wierd, I told her she has to do it herself.
There is really only one thing I can do in a situation like this - turn to the Princess diaries for help.
What did Lily do?
God I'm confused.
Laura xxx

This is such over the top drama. That friend had a new crush each week at this point in her life. I think I just wanted drama in my life, something interesting to write about in my diary, so I played it up in my head. I don't think you'll hear anything more about it.