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This is blog is my diary from my high school years. It starts in January 2007 and continues through to my first few years of university where it begins to peter out. I'll try and post all of it, however some of the more embarrassing entries may mysterious not quite find there way here. I've tried to leave the spelling errors.
Some people's names may be hidden to protect their privacy as this diary hold some things people told me in confidence.

Sunday, November 17, 2013


Well. I'm going to write a diary - again.
Hopefully it won't flunk this time. So wish me luck.
Any way, Arrived home from Brisbane yesterday. It was really fun but dad seems to be getting wierder and wierder, he's not like he used to be.
Its good to be home. mum seemed exctatic when she saw us at the airport but she keeps bringing up how lovely and quiet it was without us and how clean the house was. (The minute we got home we pretty much trashed the place).

I hope this diary works one way or another.
Love Laura xxx

P.S. I love my bed. Its so comfy.
PPS. mind the spelling mistakes, there will be lots.


1. Don't insult people, you don't know who might find this.
2. Don't lie or make up stories (unless you're writing a short story in here)
3. Be true to your self no matter how hard it may be.

Comment from 2013
Fuck I miss that bed.
I'd tried to write several diaries before this one, but they only turned out to be a few entries. When I was about thirteen I'd tried writing one that was "coded" as a fictional story. Different "character" names and places, etc. I think it's setting was the Trojan War?
I was really right about the spelling mistakes. I don't know how much my spelling has improved. At least I now know the order of the i and e in weirder.

1 comment:

  1. I like the Code of Conduct. 15(ish) year old Laura seems pretty mature.

    But I'm looking forwards to this. It should be fun.
